Saturday, November 7, 2015

My First Scrapbook

When I was 7 (1964), we  went on a trip from California to Nebraska for a family reunion.    We made a lot of sight seeing stops both going and coming taking 2 different routes.  All the other trips to my mom's hometown we drove all day for 2 days and got there as quickly as possible.  So this was a really special trip for all of us.  Because the trip was going to be so long my mom got us lots of games and activities we could do in the car.  One of her ideas was to give us all scrapbooks so we could scrapbook our trip along the way.  I collected brochures and post cards from the various stops we made and put them in my book.  I started off labeling them using strips of paper that we had for making paper chains.  I'm not sure if they fell out or I stopped labeling.  This trip was the only time we ever went sight seeing when going to see family and more than 50 years later I still remember it.  I treasure this little scrapbook to this day.

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